- 美光 NXT 2.0 液態臘
- Soft 99氟素270天保護水蠟(白色車用)
易洗性其實也是指隔離效果,如果隔離的好,髒污 鳥屎 果實汁液比較不會滲透到漆面,用水或者洗車泡沫應該就可以帶走。
NXT 2.0隔離很好,髒污容易洗掉,也能隔離不太誇張的鳥屎。撥水性在剛打完時也是滿點, 但是洗完車或者下完雨之後, 撥水性衰退的很快...所以每次洗完車都打上NXT 2.0, 才能保持在最佳狀態。
Soft 99氟素則是跟NXT 2.0完全相反的產品, 他的隔離性不太好,髒污容易吸在車漆上,對於鳥屎幾乎完全沒有保護效果,但是撥水性卻是爆表的好,不管怎麼洗都是粒粒分明的水珠,我曾經試著上完氟素後洗四次車(約一個月),水珠跟剛上過氟素幾乎一樣挺,這點大推。
對於這兩個產品我都不是很滿意,因此開始尋覓新的蠟品,價位希望能控制在一千以內,我找到了 Poorboy's Polish with Sealant,它很特別,既可以拋光,又可以當封體,而且封體之後可以馬上上蠟,很適合我這個時間有限的人士操作。
Poorboy's Polish with Sealant
Polish with sealant is an easy to use product that cleans, seals, and protects, all in one step. Polish with Sealant is designed for detailers and people with new or well maintained cars looking for an easy way to remove fine scratches, light oxidation and the normal wear and tear from every day driving of their vehicles. Polish with Sealant can be applied by hand or machine with relatively little effort. Polish with Sealant can be applied as often as needed without build-up. One coat can last up to three or four months with proper maintenance. For vehicles with deeper scratches or heavy oxidation, we recommend our SSR line (Super Swirl Removers) prior to using Polish with Sealant. Polish with Sealant can also be topped with either Waxes or other Sealants for a deeper, wetter and longer lasting shine.
Polish with sealant is an easy to use product that cleans, seals, and protects, all in one step. Polish with Sealant is designed for detailers and people with new or well maintained cars looking for an easy way to remove fine scratches, light oxidation and the normal wear and tear from every day driving of their vehicles. Polish with Sealant can be applied by hand or machine with relatively little effort. Polish with Sealant can be applied as often as needed without build-up. One coat can last up to three or four months with proper maintenance. For vehicles with deeper scratches or heavy oxidation, we recommend our SSR line (Super Swirl Removers) prior to using Polish with Sealant. Polish with Sealant can also be topped with either Waxes or other Sealants for a deeper, wetter and longer lasting shine.
Poorboy's Polish with Sealant(簡稱PwS), 基本上它是AIO(All in One的產品) 只要一個步驟就可以達到清潔、除紋、保護的三重功效,而且它可以因不同的使用方式達到拋光+封體或者純封體的作用。
DIRECTIONS: Shake Bottle Well Methods of Applications:
然而拋光+封體的使用方式, 根據原廠的回答, 會因為高溫使的封體的效果變差, 建議拋完後再用機器打上薄薄一層, 達到純封體保護的效果。
此外, 原廠也提到, 這是款" a pad dependent product ", 會因為採用的海綿而有不同的效果. 過去我都是用藍色氣動海綿上蠟, 上蠟可以但是拋光的效果很不好, 後來我詢問台灣的賣家, 建議用黑色氣動海綿拋光, 確實有增加效率, 但還是很花時間, 不過至少確保不會拋過頭。沒有拋光經驗的用家可以先考慮試試看黑色氣動海綿。
- By Hand: In the SUN or SHADE, pour a small amount on a soft terry cloth. Work a small section at a time. Rub back and forth until you see it shine. Turn cloth to clean side or use a microfiber cloth and buff out to your liking.
- By orbital or professional buffers: Apply to a dry pad and prime the pad with a small amount of product. Apply a small circle around the pad and spread at a low speed until the area has been coated. Turn up the speed (where applicable) and work the product until a shine appears. For new and better finishes we recommend foam pads to prevent swirl marks.
- For use as a glaze or sealant only (no paint correction), use a sponge applicator by hand, or a foam finishing pad by machine, and lightly apply a thin even coat. Remove or buff with a soft cotton or microfiber cloth.
要達到拋光+封體的效果,以機器低轉速使封體覆蓋在車漆上。接著調高轉速,提高溫度使封體逐漸變透明,便完成拋光+封體。然而拋光+封體的使用方式, 根據原廠的回答, 會因為高溫使的封體的效果變差, 建議拋完後再用機器打上薄薄一層, 達到純封體保護的效果。
此外, 原廠也提到, 這是款" a pad dependent product ", 會因為採用的海綿而有不同的效果. 過去我都是用藍色氣動海綿上蠟, 上蠟可以但是拋光的效果很不好, 後來我詢問台灣的賣家, 建議用黑色氣動海綿拋光, 確實有增加效率, 但還是很花時間, 不過至少確保不會拋過頭。沒有拋光經驗的用家可以先考慮試試看黑色氣動海綿。